About the Museum

THE GARAY BAZÁN ART MUSEUM presents art by its founder, artists, and visual arts researchers in the 21st century. The collection traces the evolution of human creativity in action in design and art from the ancient period to the present and projected toward the future world.

The Museum is headquartered in New York City.

Mission Statement

THE GARAY BAZÁN ART MUSEUM's mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, study, conserve, educate, and present significant art and visual arts works across time and cultures. The Museum aims to connect all people to creativity, knowledge, ideas, and future projections of the changes in the world and individuals.


THE GARAY BAZÁN ART MUSEUM was chartered by the LUIS A. GARAY FOUNDATION FOR ARTS EDUCATION and by Artist, Educator, and Human Rights advocate Luis A. Garay and his Family.

LUIS A. GARAY FOUNDATION FOR ARTS EDUCATION was chartered in 2020 by Luis A. Garay and his family as a Private Operating Foundation to facilitate public access to the art of Luis A. Garay and the artists of his time and share and promote his studies, research, and scholar information on the arts, design, visual arts, artists, creativity in action, and human rights.

The foundation's mission is to provide academic support to the educational development of all levels: students, professionals, curators, critics, scholars, and the public in general.


It is a brand and signature in the artist's artworks of Luis A. Garay, created in honor of his parents and family.

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